******************************************************************** USER GUIDE FOR INTEGRATING CC5X/CC8E AND MPLAB X, STEP BY STEP *** This description covers MPLAB X integration using the generic plugin developed by Microchip. CC5X and CC8E can be used a tool in MPLAB X to build single-module projects. Multi-module projects is also possible by using MPASM and MPLINK. CC5X/CC8E or MPLINK generates the required HEX and COF files for debugging and production Build. CONTENTS: * INITIAL SETUP: PREPARING THE INTEGRATION * NORMAL USAGE: DEFINING A MPLAB X PROJECT * SINGLE-MODULE MODE: THE COMPILER GENERATES HEX AND COF FILES * SINGLE-MODULE DEBUGGING AND BREAKPOINTS * MAKING MPLAB X UNDERSTAND THE COMPILER DEFINITIONS * DISPLAYING VARIABLE CONTENTS DURING DEBUGGING * SETTING THE DEVICE CONFIGURATION BITS * SPECIAL NOTES * MULTI-MODULE MODE: MPLINK GENERATES HEX AND COF FILES * MULTI-MODULE DEBUGGING AND BREAKPOINTS * GENERIC PLUG-IN PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION * UPGRADING TO A NEW VERSION OF MPLAB X ******************************************************************** INITIAL SETUP: PREPARING THE INTEGRATION * install the compiler if not already installed. Recommended: * CC5X latest version, minimum 3.5D * CC8E latest version, minimum 1.4D Note that old compiler versions (older than version 3.5D/1.4D) will NOT support debugging (no COF file). However, these version will support a normal build (HEX file) and point-and-click on error messages (option -FM). * install MPLAX X IDE if not already installed. The latest version is normally recommended, also if not listed here. MPLAB X version 6.20 debugging works partially, normal build ok MPLAB X version 6.15 OK MPLAB X version 6.10 debugging does not work, normal build ok MPLAB X version 3.35 - 6.05 OK MPLAB X version 2.35 - 3.26 OK http://www.microchip.com/mplab/mplab-x-ide * RECOMMENDED STEP: create a new folder where MPLAB X will store the compiler integration XML files. This base folder will contain the compiler information used by MPLAB X. The new folder should be OUTSIDE "C:\Program Files (x86)" and any operating system folders. This is required to avoid problems related to folder privileges. Examples: C:\projects\baseFolderCC5X C:\projects\baseFolderCC5Xv3_8C C:\projects\baseFolderCC8E Then copy the compiler EXE file from the installed folder ("C:\Program Files (x86)\bknd\cc5x" or "...\cc8e") to the new folder. It is recommended to copy ONLY the compiler executable. * start MPLAB X * select menu item Tools->Options, chose card "Embedded" and "Build Tools" in pop-up window ("Options") and button "Add Custom Compiler". Then a new window ("Add Custom Compiler") pops up. Item 1: Preferably use "Browse" and define "base compiler folder". This must be set to the folder containing the compiler exe file. This should normally be the newly created folder during the above recommended step, examples: C:\projects\baseFolderCC5X C:\projects\baseFolderCC8E Item 2: Enter the main compiler version as a decimal string for second item "Version", for example: 3.8C (for CC5X) 1.8C (for CC8E) Item 3: enter the compiler name a string for third item "Name", for example: CC5X (for CC5X) CC8E (for CC8E) Item 4: Preferably use "Browse" and locate the "Compiler binary file". It have to reside in the Base folder selected in Item 1. It may look like: C:\projects\baseFolderCC5X\CC5X.EXE C:\projects\baseFolderCC8E\CC8E.EXE Item 5: Preferably leave this item UNDEFINED. *** Support for MPASMX is not available any longer. MPLAB X 5.35 is the last version that includes mpasmx. This means that new devices are not supported by MPASMX. However, older devices supported by mpasmx can be used with newer MPLAB X versions if a copy of the mpasmx package has been stored on the computer. Use "Browse" and locate the "Assembler binary file". It can reside outside the Base folder. The required path could look like the following example: C:\path-to-mpasmx\mpasmx\mpasmx.exe Item 6: Preferably leave this item UNDEFINED. *** Support for MPLINK is not available any longer. MPLAB X 5.35 is the last version that includes mplink. This means that new devices are not supported by MPLINK. However, older devices supported by mplink can be used with newer MPLAB X versions if a copy of the mpasmx package has been stored on the computer. Use "Browse" and locate the "Linker binary file". It can reside outside the Base folder. The required path could look like the following example: C:\path-to-mpasmx\mpasmx\mplink.exe Item 7: This item is currently not in use and can be left undefined. Item 8: The "Source to object extension pairs" should be: c,o;asm,o; Item 9: Set "Image File Format" to: "Hex" for "Production Build" "Cof" for "Debug Build" Item 10: For "Supported Device Families", select "8-bit MCUs (PIC10/12/16)" for CC5X, and similar "PIC18" for CC8E. Then click on the OK button, and also the OK button in window "Options". CC5X (or CC8E) is now a selectable tool in MPLAB X. The newly created XML files can be found and inspected in the new folder "C:\projects\baseFolderCC5X" or C:\projects\baseFolderCC8E. ******************************************************************** NORMAL USAGE: DEFINING A MPLAB X PROJECT * start MPLAB X IDE. Click on menu item "File->New Project..." or use the equivalent button. A "New Project" window pops up. Follow the sequential steps. Use for example: 1. Choose Project: "Microchip Embedded" + "Standalone Project". Click Next. 2. Select device: "Mid-range 8-bit MCUs" or "Advanced 8 bit MCUs" and select the actual device. Click Next. 3. Select Header: None (Alternably your own selection). Click Next. 4. Select Tool: Simulator (Alternably your own selection). Click Next. 5. Select Plugin Board: None (Alternably your own selection). 6. Select Compiler: Select Custom compiler CC5X or CC8E. Click Next. 7. Select Project Name and Folder: Enter a Project name and decide Project Location. A folder with name "MyProject.X" will be created at the "Project Location". Click Finish. NOTE: It is possible to locate the MPLAB X project folder in the folder used for the project source files. Alternatively the source files can be stored in the MPLAB X project folder or anywhere else. The MPLAB X project folder will contain the Build files (HEX, COF, ASM, VAR, O, etc.). ******************************************************************** NORMAL MODE: THE COMPILER GENERATES HEX AND COF FILES * Right-Click on the "Source Files" under the project name in the Projects window. Select an existing source file or create a new one. * Right-Click on the project name in the Projects window. Select the last item "Properties" in the large pop-up menu. 1. Select item "Loading" (using "Conf:[default]"): Click on "Use this .hex file instead of .." and enter the name of the Production Build hex file. This is typically the name of the main source file (using .hex instead of .c), or any other name defined by the compiler options. It is required to leave the following item in "Loading" unchecked: "Load symbols when programming or building for production (slows process)". The reason is that this option is not compatible with loading a hex file in the main project folder. If symbols have to be loaded then the setup for production loading must be different, and the COF file in "dist\default\production\..." must be loaded. Note that a debug build will load the required symbols for debugging independent of the production build. 2. Select item "Custom (Global Options") and enter a string for DEBUG Build: Image Files To Load for PRODUCTION Build: Files to Parse for Debug Symbols..: Image Files To Load for DEBUG Build: dist\MainName.cof Files to Parse for Debug Symbols..: Replace MainName with the name of your main C source file. Alternably use any other name defined by the compiler options. NOTE: Folder "dist" have to be created manually in the "project.X" folder. In the "project.X" folder there are automatically generated folders like "nbproject", "debug" and "build". 3. Select item "Custom Compiler" and enter the following string for: Production Options Before Sou..: Debug Options Before Source File: -Odist 4. Enter remaining (common) options in Additional options: -FM -CF -cif -a -p16F1947 Option "-p16F1947" must be replaced by the actual device name used. Old compiler versions (older than version 3.5D/1.4D) will NOT support debugging (no COF file). These version will support a normal build (HEX file) and point-and-click on error messages. However, old versions does not understand the "-CF" option which must be removed. It may also be required to remove the "-cif" option. If the compiler was not installed using the installation program but rather copied from a ZIP file, then the compiler will not search the installation folder automatically for include files. It is then required to use the -I option to include supplied files located in the compiler folder. Old compiler versions (older than version 3.4C/1.3C) will need to know the search path for the compiler installation directory in order to find device header files, math and interrupt header files. The -I option can be added to the "Additional options" and should look like: -I"C:\Program Files (x86)\bknd\CC5X" (for CC5X version 3.4C or older) -I"C:\Program Files (x86)\bknd\CC8E" (for CC8E version 1.3C or older) 5. Select item "Custom Linker" and enable "Skip linker call during build". Select OK and the project is ready to compile for production and debug. * Perform a Production Build by selecting menu item "Run->Build Main Project" Look for messages "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" and "Loading completed". Syntax errors must be corrected. Point-and-click on error and warning messages is possible when using option -FM as stated above. Note that the make job is generic and may print information in the output window that is not applicable. * Perform Debug Build by selecting menu item "Debug->Debug Main Project" Look for messages "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" and "Loading completed". The simulator/debugger may start immediate after the Debug Build. Ensure setting of proper breakpoints. ******************************************************************** NORMAL DEBUGGING AND BREAKPOINTS When using single-module compiler mode the source code is often split into many C files which are included in the main C file. PROBLEM: MPLAB X may not recognise BREAKPOINTS in an included C file unless this file is listed in the "Source Files" of the project. SOLUTION: It is strongly recommended to list ALL C files belonging to the project as "Source Files". IMPORTANT: In order to prevent MPLAB X from compiling all files listed as "Source Files" separately it is required to exclude these files in the "Project Properties" window (select the first symbol at top on the left side of the "Dashboard" tab field OR right-click on the project name and select "Properties"). Click on Category "File Inclusion/Exclusion". Then move all C files that are included in the main C file to the "Excluded Files:" window. Click on the OK button when finished. ******************************************************************** MAKING MPLAB X UNDERSTAND THE COMPILER DEFINITIONS MPLAB X has an advanced editor that recognises defined symbols and try to provide useful help. CC5X and CC8E has many specific definitions that MPLAB X does not understand. It is recommended to copy the following definition into the main project source file. The MPLAB X editor will then recognize the specific compiler definitions. Note that the definitions are ONLY for the MPLAB X EDITOR and will not influence on debugging. The definitions will enable displaying simplified variable values. However, the variable watch window may provide more correct and comprehensive variable types. // FOR CC5X: #if !defined __CC5X__ // These definitions are for the MPLAB X GUI only (not compiled) #include "C:\Program Files (x86)\bknd\cc5x\defmpx16.h" // MPLAB X will read chip specific symbols from the device header file: #include "C:\Program Files (x86)\bknd\cc5x\16F1938.h" #endif // FOR CC8E: #if !defined __CC8E__ // These definitions are for the MPLAB X GUI only (not compiled) #include "C:\Program Files (x86)\bknd\cc8e\defmpx18.h" // MPLAB X will read chip specific symbols from the device header file: #include "C:\Program Files (x86)\bknd\cc8e\18F4680.h" #endif ******************************************************************** DISPLAYING VARIABLE CONTENTS DURING DEBUGGING MPLAB X will be able to display surprisingly many compiler data types. Some data types will only be displayed correctly in the Watch window. Variable type bit : displayed as a bitfield struct (item "value"). 8 bit signed/unsigned integer : OK 16 bit signed/unsigned integer : OK 24 bit signed/unsigned integer : OK 32 bit signed/unsigned integer : OK 24 bit (Microchip) float : NOT possible to display correctly 32 bit (Microchip) float : OK 8 - 32 bit fixed point : Initially displayed as an integer, but the correct format can be displayed in a Watch window by right-clicking on the variable name and selecting "Display Value Columns As->Fractional Integer" and chosing the right decimal point using the slide bar. 8 bit pointers : limited support, only the pointer itself can be displayed. 16 bit pointers : OK ******************************************************************** SETTING THE DEVICE CONFIGURATION BITS The compiler supports both direct and symbolic setting of the device configuration (see config.txt). The config symbols are defined in the device header file. * ALTERNATIVE 1: Use the -VG or -Vg compiler command line option to write all available symbolic config settings to the end of the generated *.VAR file. Then copy these definitions to a C source file and enable the desired settings. -VG: list default config settings and alternatives -Vg: list config setting alternatives * ALTERNATIVE 2: The available symbols for a specific device should be identical to the symbols generated by MPLAB X for the XC8 and C18 compilers. MPLAB X can be used to generate the required config setting for the project. ===> The settings generated by MPLAB X can be copied and pasted into the source code for compilation. Procedure when the XC8 (or C18) compiler is installed: 1. Start MPLAB X and make sure your project is set as the main project. 2. Right-click on the project name in the Projects window. Select last item Properties and change "Compiler Toolchain" to XC8 (or C18) temporarily. 3. Select menu Window->PIC Memory Views->Configuration Bits 4. Change each available item according to your selections for the project. 5. Click "Generate Source Code to Output" and copy the generated settings (except the #include statement) to your C source code. 6. Right-click on the project name in the Projects window. Select last item Properties and change language toolsuite back to CC5X/CC8E. This procedure can be repeated when configuration bits have to be changed. ******************************************************************** SPECIAL NOTES CC5X: * The MPLAB X editor does not recognize the pageX identifiers. - workaround 1: use the definitions stated in section "MAKING MPLAB X UNDERSTAND THE COMPILER DEFINITIONS" - workaround 2: use pageX modifiers on prototype function definitions only - workaround 3: use #pragma codepage or #pragma location CC8E: * It is required to disable the Extended instruction set. Otherwise program execution and Debug Build may fail. The solution is to use #pragma config to DISABLE the Extended instruction set (XINST = OFF). ******************************************************************** MULTI-MODULE MODE: MPLINK GENERATES HEX AND COF FILES IMPORTANT NOTE: Microchip has terminated support for MPLINK. MPLAB X 5.35 is the last version that includes mpasmx/mplink. However, devices supported by mplink can be used with newer MPLAB X versions if a copy of the mpasmx package (including mplink) is stored on the computer. It is possible to let the compiler or assembler generate object modules that are linked by MPLINK to build the final HEX and COF files. Note that this often requires more space for local variables because the compiler is not able to find the best overlapping layout. The code size may also increase compared to single-module projects. ==> NOTE: It is NOT possible to mix ASM and C modules. All modules have to be compiled using CC5X or CC8E. It is possible to use inline ASM code within the C modules according to the restrictions defined by the User's Manual of the compiler. * Right-Click on the project name in the Projects window. Select the last item "Properties" in the large pop-up menu. 1. Select item "Loading" (using "Conf:[default]"): Click on "Use this .hex file instead of .." and enter the name of the Production Build hex file. The name is fully selectable. The same name must be entered for the custom linker later in this description. 2. Select item "Custom (Global Options") and enter a string for "Image Files To Load for DEBUG Build". This is typically "dist\.cof". Replace with the name that you choose. It must be the same folder and name selected for step 4 below for "Debug Options", example: Image Files To Load for PRODUCTION Build : Files to Parse for Debug Symbols for PRODUCTION Build : Image Files To Load for DEBUG Build : dist\MainName.cof Files to Parse for Debug Symbols for DEBUG Build : NOTE: It is required to locate COF files somewhere in the "dist" folder. NOTE: Folder "dist" have to be created manually. 3. Select item "Custom Compiler" and enter options in "Additional options: -FM -a -cif -p16F877 +reloc.inc Option "-p16F877" must be replaced by the actual device name used. Note that the file "reloc.inc" should be copied from the compiler folder to the project folder and changed to suit the setup of your computer. Old compiler versions (older than version 3.5D/1.4D) will support debugging because MPASM/MPLINK generates the debug information. Some old versions will not understand the "-cif" option which then must be removed. Old compiler versions (older than version 3.4C/1.3C) also need to know the search path for the compiler installation directory in order to find device header files, math and interrupt header files. The -I option can be added to the "Additional options" and should look like: -I"C:\Program Files (x86)\bknd\CC5X" (for CC5X version 3.4C or older) -I"C:\Program Files (x86)\bknd\CC8E" (for CC8E version 1.3C or older) 4. Select item "Custom Linker" and make sure that "Skip linker call during build" is NOT selected. For "Production Options" enter : Alt. 1: /o MainName.hex Alt. 2: /o dist\default\production\MainName.cof For "Debug Options" enter: Alt. 1: /o dist\MainName.cof Alt. 2: /o dist\default\debug\MainName.cof Note that folder "dist" and subfolders have to be created manually. MainName must be replaced by the actual name used in the project. 5. For "Custom Linker": enter device and module options in "Additional options: Example for 3 modules using PIC16F877: 16F877.lkr module1.o module2.o modul3.o /p 16F877 Select OK and the project is ready to compile for production and debug. * Right-Click on the "Source Files" under the project name in the Projects window. Select an existing source file or create a new one. * Perform a Production Build by selecting menu item "Run->Build Main Project" Look for messages "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" and "Loading completed". Correct syntax errors (Point-and-click on error and warning messages is possible when using option -FM as stated above). Note that the make job is generic and may print information in output window the that are not applicable for the current Build. * Perform Debug Build by selecting menu item "Debug->Debug Main Project" Look for messages "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" and "Loading completed". The simulator/debugger may start immediate after the Debug Build. Ensure setting of proper breakpoints. ******************************************************************** MULTI-MODULE DEBUGGING AND BREAKPOINTS In multi-module mode the compiler generates ASM files. It is NOT possible to set breakpoints in the C files. Instead the ASM files generated by the compiler must be used for debugging. PROBLEM: MPLAB X may not recognise BREAKPOINTS in a generated ASM file unless this file is listed in the "Source Files" of the project. SOLUTION: It is strongly recommended to list ALL generated ASM files belonging to the project as "Source Files". IMPORTANT: In order to prevent MPLAB X from compiling all files listed as "Source Files" separately it is required to exclude these files in the "Project Properties" window (select the first symbol at top on the left side of the " Dashboard" tab field OR right-click on the project name and select "Properties"). Click on Category "File Inclusion/Exclusion". Then move all generated ASM files to the "Excluded Files:" window. Click on the OK button when finished. ******************************************************************** GENERIC PLUG-IN PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION The following information is useful when experimenting with more advanced project setups. Custom (Global Options) Image Files To Load for PRODUCTION Build : HEX or empty Files to Parse for Debug Symbols for PRODUCTION Build : COF or empty Image Files To Load for DEBUG Build : COF Files to Parse for Debug Symbols for DEBUG Build : COF or empty NOTE: The COF file MUST be located somewhere in the "dist" folder. The HEX file can reside in the project folder. Example most simple setup: Image Files To Load for PRODUCTION Build : Files to Parse for Debug Symbols for PRODUCTION Build : Image Files To Load for DEBUG Build : dist\MainName.cof Files to Parse for Debug Symbols for DEBUG Build : Example alternative setup: Image Files To Load for PRODUCTION Build : dist\default\production\MainName.hex Files to Parse for Debug Symbols for PRODUCTION Build : Image Files To Load for DEBUG Build : dist\default\debug\MainName.cof Files to Parse for Debug Symbols for DEBUG Build : ******************************************************************** UPGRADING TO A NEW VERSION OF MPLAB X After upgrading to a new MPLAB X version it may happen that the custom compiler tool seems to be gone. The following step should then be tried: * select menu item Tools->Options, chose card "Embedded" in pop-up window ("Options") Select card "Build Tools" Select right toolchain : CC5X/CC8E .. Then button "Add..." Type the path or use "Browse" to find the base folder created for the compiler integration XML files. In some cases it is required to terminate and restart MPLAB X before starting to work on the project again.